School Supplies

Click on the Department below to see the list of School Supplies needed for each course. This list gives a general idea of what supplies are required and may not include all supplies.

  • Robotics

    4 Composition Notebooks

    Food Science/Nutrition

    Pen/pencil, notebook paper, pocket folder with brads, 1 set of dividers

    Graphic Design/Animation/Video Game Design/Multimedia/PAAVTC

    No supplies required. However, students who wish to save projects need a portable USB flash drive. Students should bring one of the following:1 box of tissues, 1 container of disinfecting wipes or 1 bottle of hand sanitizer.

    Preparation for Parenting/Child Development

    Pen/pencil, notebook paper, pocket folder with brads, 1 set of dividers

    Video Production

    USB flash drive if you wish to save your projects.

  • English teachers will provide supply information for each class on the syllabus that is distributed the first day of class. No specific items will be required for the first few days of class.
  • Teachers will provide supply information for the courses not listed below on the first day of class. Depending on the class, an additional fee may be required. Art fees are payable through the MySchoolBucks. A payment plan or need-based scholarship for art fees is available.

    Art 1: $40
    2D Design II and III - $50
    Ceramics - $60
    AP Art - $60
    Photography - $60

    Art I, 2D Design, Ceramics, AP Art: 1 spiral sketchbook (8x10” or 9x12”), 2 boxes of Kleenex, students will need their own pencil every day, an art fee will be assessed for all other supplies

    Photography: A camera is required for this course. Information on the type of camera and other supplies will be discussed on the first day of class.

    Professional Communications: Notebook, notecards, pens/pencils, calendar

  • Students need to bring something to write with on the first day of school. Later in the week students will need clothes for physical fitness.
  • All math classes either require or recommend students have a graphing calculator (TI-84, including the color model) w/ batteries. If you have considered buying one there are often excellent sales on these calculators in August. You may rent an AHHS calculator; however, if you lose it or break it the cost is $100.

    Algebra I: Notebook paper, graph paper or spiral, pencils, red pens, box of Kleenex. A graphing calculator and ruler/straight edge are recommended.

    Algebra I PAP: Graph paper or spiral, notebook paper, pencils, pens (red, blue, green), ruler/straightedge, graphing calculator, box of Kleenex

    Geometry: 1 inch binder for Geometry only with four notebook section dividers, pencils, pens (red, blue, green), notebook paper, ruler/straightedge, graphing calculator, box of Kleenex

    Geometry Pre-AP and Geometry GT: 1 inch binder for Geometry only with four notebook section dividers, pencils, pens (red, blue, green), notebook paper, protractor, compass, ruler/straightedge, graphing calculator, box of Kleenex

    Algebra II: 3 ring binder (1.5 inch) or 5 Subject notebook, paper, pencils, colored pencils or pens, ruler/straight edge, 1 package of graph paper, graphing calculator (recommended), box of Kleenex

    Algebra II Pre-AP: A notebook to hold your graph paper, loose leaf graph paper and notebook paper, pencils, erasers, colored pens or pencils, ruler, graphing calculator, box of Kleenex

    Algebra III : Paper, pencils, grading pen, box of Kleenex. A binder for work and handouts as well as a graphing calculator are recommended.

    Precalculus: A notebook to hold your graph paper, loose leaf graph paper and notebook paper, pencils, erasers, colored pens or pencils, ruler, graphing calculator, box of Kleenex

    Precalculus Pre-AP:A notebook to hold your graph paper, loose leaf graph paper and notebook paper, pencils, erasers, colored pens or pencils, ruler, graphing calculator, box of Kleenex.

    AP Calculus AB and BC: Spiral notebook with pockets to hold handouts, pencils, colored pens, graphing calculator, box of Kleenex

    Statistics and AP Statistics: Spiral notebook with pockets to hold handouts, pencils, colored pens, graphing calculator, box of Kleenex

  • Health

    Spiral notebook 70 - 100 pages and a folder/binder for students to keep graded and returned material throughout the semester. If you are using a folder or binder, a set of 7 dividers will be helpful.


    Size appropriate (non-restrictive) clothing, yoga mat

    Physical Education

    Shirt, shorts, shoes appropriate for P.E.


    Workout clothes/shoes, jump-rope

  • The student needs to decide the best way to stay organized in each class. Whether it is a binder, a large plastic folder with pockets or individual spirals. Also bring notebook paper, pens and pencils.
  • Science teachers will provide supply information for each class on the syllabus that is distributed the first day of class. No specific items will be required for the first few days of class.
  • 9th Grade: World Geography / AP Human Geography: Colored Pencils, Pencils and Pens, 2-Single Subject Spiral Notebooks, One pack of 3 x 5 Index Cards, Box of Tissues, Ear Buds

    10th Grade: World History / AP World History: Packet of 10 Glue Sticks, 2-Single Subject Spiral Notebooks, One pack of 3 x 5 Index Cards, Scotch Tape (in dispenser), Dry Erase Markers (assorted colors) Ear Buds

    11th Grade: U.S. History / AP U.S. History: Markers (any brand of assorted colors), 3 x 5 Index Cards. Sticky (Post-It) Notes, Box of Tissues, Ear Buds

    12th Grade: Government/Economics: Graphing Paper, White Board Markers (assorted colors), Composition Book, Box of multi-colored highlighters, 3 x 5 Index Note Cards, Ear Buds

    Psychology & Sociology: Colored pencils, Play-Doh (4 pack), Dry Erase Markers (assorted colors), Ear Buds

  • Teachers will provide supply information for each class on the syllabus that is distributed the first day of class. Additionally, supply information can be found on each teacher's website. No specific items will be required for the first few days of class.
  • All Languages: Bring one of the following: Box of tissues, Hand sanitizer or Clorox wipes

    Latin & AP Spanish Literature & Culture: Highlighters: yellow, green, blue, pink, purple and orange 

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